2024-06-28 :

Fourth semester Internal Examination July 2024

  || 2024-06-01 :

College Brochure FYUGP

  || 2024-05-14 :

FYUGP Brochure

  || 2024-05-14 :




  • Smisha M A, P.G. Romeo: Embedding of Rees Matrix Semigroup Amalgam, Proceedings of International Conference on Semigroup, Algebra and Applications, September 2015 pp: 31-41
  • Smisha M A, P.G. Romeo: On matrix semigroups and matrix semigroup amalgams, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, May 2019, Vol 6, Issue 2, 452-456
  • Smisha M A, P.G. Romeo: On the embedding of Γ-semigroup amalgam, Malaya Journal of Mathematik, January 2021
  • Smisha M A, P.G. Romeo: On the embedding of Γ-semigroup amalgam using partial Γ- groupoids, Advances in Algebra, June 2021
  • Smisha M A, P.G. Romeo: Rees matrix semigroup over a Γ-semigroup, Bull. Cal. Math. Soc., 114, (2) 115–124 (2022)

The Ceaseless Ascent

The cherished dream of an enlightened society ideally depends on quality education. Driven and inspired by this proven fact, the community of the Diocese of Alleppey made its resolute entry into the field of higher education.

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